Octodad Dadliest Catch Review

Developer Young Horse

Publisher Young Horse

Platform PS4

Release Date Out Now


Octodad “Dadliest Catch” is perhaps one of the most bizarre yet utterly charming games to hit the PS4. This one time student project has spawned a full sequel. Dadliest Catch sets you as Octodad an octopus trying to disguise himself as a traditional family man.

Under the constant threat of being cooked by an evil chef (who is also seemingly is the only one to note the eight legged dad is not exactly what he appears) your task is to carrying out what should be simple mundane tasks for a human to hide in plain sight. Due to the clever and difficult to master controls these simple tasks become incredibly challenging resulting in hilarious moments of physical comedy moments.


The team at Young Horse have evolved from what started out as a college project, what they designed turned into Octodad and was released as a freeware title. The game was so well received by both players and critics that the college students went on to found the new studio to begin work on a full sequel.

Unlike other similar games that have complex controls Octodads controls are pretty intuitive and once you get used to them they don’t hinder the enjoyment. The gameplay is simple, you carry out normal mundane tasks in a bid not to blow your cover that you are in fact a cephalopod in a suit. Of course these simple tasks turn into monumental feats of skill when you are an eight legged cephalopod.


However this is not a frustrating game in fact it is quite easy, and short but thoroughly enjoyable. The short length ensures none of the tasks get too repetitive and that Octodad doesn’t overstay his welcome.

Overall: Fun quirky titles like this pop up from time to time and are utterly refreshing. This is a title you will play with a huge smile on your face but for a very short time.

SCORE 3.5/5


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